What if Leonardo was a blogger?

Project Thought
2 min readJan 3, 2021

As I read the book about Leonardo by Walter Isaacson, more and more I understand the nature of Leonardo and his habit on noting down things; things which exists (observations) and things which he imagined (explorations). He used to write practically everything which crossed his mind.

But then, what if Leonardo was blogging this and had a two way interaction to it?

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

The notebook of Leonardo was pretty much one way, a reflection without any external judgment, which lead to him making a lot of different creative projects and pieces. Where the judgement was more later part of the process when the piece was actually put out in public (my assumption here). That means, Leonardo did not have a constant feedback loop for everything and had a major chunk of his work self-driven.

I have not even understood the man a tiny bit yet (I hope to get a bit more vibe of the man by the time I finish the book), but I feel the “blog” where people could respond to each thought would definitely have impacted Leo in someway. Looking at the passive/active effect of these feedbacks on individuals in current society, Leonardo would have been a different Leonardo. Only the imagination can help us explore “ how might Leonardo would be if he was a blogger?”



Project Thought

Projecting thoughts worth projecting by Suyog aka The fun Indian guy :p